Once upon a time, a software organization had Bob. And Bob was Great(tm). Bob was a fountain of tribal knowledge and things ran so smoothly when Bob was around.

Bob's attention to details were a hallmark of his worth to the team. Best practices were the easiest practices because Bob led the way. Bob made sure everyone was accountable to a high quality bar.

Until Bob disappeared.

The fact is, Bob isn't a scalable methodology. And training and coaching only go so far because they're not remembered and they're not cost effective.

Our SymbylCode product is a better way. It's automation that aligns teams with years of learnings and best practices yielding high throughput, low-bug-count deliveries. By making best practices trivial to follow, teams can focus on creativity and solutions - and stakeholders can enjoy transparency and greater certainty. Win, win, win.

Does This Sound Familiar?

Speed + Quality = Possible

man in white dress shirt sitting beside woman in black long sleeve shirt
man in white dress shirt sitting beside woman in black long sleeve shirt