We're in the software business. What do we really want to do?
Efficiently ship bug free code
Great, but what does that really mean?
No Bugs - The software functions per our customers' expectations
Efficiently - We use the least amount of effort and resources to make our product available
Delight our customers
Great, can we structure that so we can prove it?
Delight - Our customers willingly (nay, eagerly) adopt new behavioral patterns supported by our product
Customers - Any and all parties who expect our product to behave in a specific way when triggered to do so
Maintain our products
The product landscape and our staff are always changing. How do we ensure our ability to adapt?
Product Landscape - Time change. Technologies change. Needs change. Ask AOL - or Blockbuster. We need to ensure we can detect the need to change and adapt quickly. This is the essence of Agile.
Staff - People move on. We cannot rely on tribal knowledge to support our products. New hires must be able to understand our systems and be productive immediately.